
We Track>Contain>Destroy>VerifyYour Data Bearing devices within the four walls of your organization

At TechR2, we eradicate data on failed hard drives and other retired IT devices.

Our patented systems for securely and thoroughly destroying data from hard drives, laptops, and any other data-bearing devices can ensure your organization is fully compliant with all data-security and environmental regulations.

Introducing Tear-A-Byte

The Most Secure and Compliant Solution Available

The patented Tear-A-Byte appliance and process exists for one reason: To fully protect you from data breaches related to mismanaged failed or retired drives in your datacenter.

No other solution offers a more secure, compliant, or easy way to Track, Contain, Destroy, and Verify the destruction of hard drives.

Data is the DNA of Your Business

Your data defines who you are as a business. What you take in and generate is unique to you and you alone.

Is your data safe? Who among your competitors wouldn’t love the opportunity to dive into your business’s DNA and find out what secrets it can unlock? What might they find? Customer data? Financial records? One loose data bearing device can divulge everything and send your business into a PR nightmare. Without a bullet proof plan and solid implementation, it is only a matter of time before a loose data-bearing device finds its way into the hands of a bad actor.

TechR2 is the only company in the industry that has been awarded a US Patent for its Track-Contain-Destroy-Verify data security process, is OEM approved, upholds critical ISO certifications, and is recognized for compliance with GDPR, NIST and all governmental regulations concerning data destruction, including ISO 27001, ISO 14001, ISO 9001, and ISO 45001.

Security Services

Security Services

Secure storage, transport, and destruction of End of Life data bearing devices.

Data Privacy

Data Privacy

Data Destruction must occur under your control per Federal, State, and Industry regulations

Industry Certified

Industry Certified

Six ISO certifications. 11patents (9 pending). NIST 800-88 and NSA certfified.

ITAD Is Dead!

ITAD vendors can READ your customer data during the overwrite process!

Today, because of GDPR, NIST, ZTA, CCPA and IRS 1075, cybersecurity assessors from the government GAO, IRS, DoD, NERC, PCI, HIPAA or more will examine you, your contractors, and all of their subcontractors. It is your responsibility to verify compliance of your entire supply chain and ignore the supplier’s embellishments of a fictitious data governance.

The old ITAD system no longer upholds all cybersecurity requirements and can be rendered obsolete (dead).

What Has Changed in Data Control?

Webinar Series

Learn how to protect the data on your end-of-life IT devices.

Join a conversation with our Chief Compliance Officer
and learn how partnering with TechR2 can keep your
data secure and your organization compliant.

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment

Effective Compliance

Effective Compliance

Our ISO Certifications

No IT Asset Management Company has Earned More Certifications and Patents than TechR2.
Peace of Mind Compliance

Total Data Eradication Services

From decommissioning an entire datacenter, to securely destroying the data on a few dozen laptops each week…

From degaussing or shredding drives, to providing secure transport of data-bearing devices…

With over a dozen federal and international organizations developing and enforcing data-security and environmental regulations regarding retired drives and IT devices, it can be nearly impossible for most companies to keep up with it all.

At TechR2, all our products and services are designed, built, and executed to keep you fully compliant with all US and EU regulations for all your end-of-life IT equipment.

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Cybersecurity Projects
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Clients Protection
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Service Guarantee
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Team Experts
Case Studies

Proven Relationships and Experience

Data Centers

Data Centers

Datacenter Decommissioning for Leading Telecommunications Company

Hard Drives

Hard Drives

Track, Contain, Destroy, and Verify Technique to Secure Data on Failed Hard Drives for Major International Airline

End-of-Life Assets

End-of-Life Assets

End-of-Life IT Asset Management and Data Eradication for National Fragrance and Body Care Retailer.

The number one cause of large-scale data breaches is data-bearing devices ending up in the hands of the wrong people.

Whether it’s a failed hard drive or a retired laptop, data-bearing devices ending up in the hands of the wrong people can lead to issues beyond simply the data on that device (which is bad enough). Cyber criminals can also use the information on those devices to infiltrate your systems. And that’s when things can get really serious.

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