The Cost of a Data Breach

The Cost of a Data Breach

The average data breach costs a company $5M1. The second leading cause for data breaches, behind hacking, is a lost or stolen data-bearing device. A company that fails to implement NIST or follow other government data disposal practices increases their liability risk should a data incident occur. Nearly all states, and the federal government, have enacted data breach laws that outline proper data sanitization regulations.

Companies who adopt the NIST Guidelines reduce their liability risk and may qualify for an exemption from data breach laws through a provision called “Safe Harbor.” Safe Harbor can exempt a company from reporting a breach if they are able to demonstrate that an appropriate protection framework of people, processes and technologies has been implemented.

Of all corporations, hospitals experience the most data breaches, and healthcare breaches account for two-thirds of all incidents. Over half of all large hospitals have had a data compromise since 20092.

The healthcare industry and all industries who store data on servers, hard drives and disposable media reduce the risk of a data crisis when best practices are in place to contain and securely destroy data and media. TechR2 has a data end-of-life solution for industries of all sizes and specialties. With over 17 years of data recycling and asset disposal experience, you can be certain that your customized data disposal solution is not only compliant and cost-effective, but state-of-the-art in an ever-changing environment.

Stop putting your enterprise at risk. Avoid a data comprise. Contact us today to learn how we can help you navigate the legal and environmental guidelines for safe asset retirement.

Open Security Foundation

DataLossDB 2

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