Data Breaches

21% Increase in Data Breaches in the First Half of 2014

21% Increase in Data Breaches in the First Half of 2014

395 data breaches have occurred that have been reported in the U.S. so far this year [By July 2014], a 21 percent increase over the same period last year.
In some of the cases, laptops or thumb drives containing information were stolen. And in many of the cases, the breaches were attributed to poor data security practices or simple errors that could have been avoided.

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Avoiding a Data Breach: Best Practices for Data Destruction

In a perfect world all of the data is properly destroyed and the assets are either retired or resold. Companies are now transitioning to cloud based services and newer technology as a way to lower their costs in the long run, and the work required to manage these newer systems and software is much less. The main risk with this transition, that cannot be ignored, is the handling and disposal of sensitive data and the media it is stored on.

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Data breaches in 2013 continue to change the data security landscape

Target and other retailer data breaches in 2013 have started conversations regarding credit card security and data breach notification legislation, and those conversations are continuing. Since the end of last year merchants have been quick to try and upgrade their current payment processing systems and bolster their network security. At the same time data security companies, lawmakers and payment processors all started to become more vocal about the fact that there needs to be higher and better standards set for technology and data security.

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Data breaches in the news in 2014

Data breaches have been a popular topic of conversation already this year, much of this stemming from the large breaches that occurred at the end of last year. But going into 2014 we are continuing to hear more and more about data breaches. I am not sure if this is a product of the recent awareness of them, or due to their new found frequency. Either way it leaves us with a more compelling argument that data security for on-network and off-network devices is extremely important, and data breaches are going to continue to happen.

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Cyber Security Reform Getting into Gear

There have been some big movements in our government recently to update and create new legislation regarding cyber security. On April 16, 2013 the House passed the Federal Information Security Amendments Act of 2013. This updates the previously defined Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002. This is the first significant reform to IT security standards in 11 years and it passed the House with a unanimous vote of 416-0.

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The Cost of a Data Breach

A malicious attack (hacking, stealing, etc) can cost up to 25% more than a non-malicious attack. However, most data breaches occur due to the negligence from within the organization. This includes, the loss of a mobile device (cell phone, external hard drive), unsecured storage of retired computers, hard drives, and other data bearing devices. Here are a few examples of some recent data breaches that are a product of improper disposal and lost media devices.

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