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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know when it’s time to redistribute, or redeploy my organization’s technology assets?

Hardware will be overtaken within three years or fewer by new models that are better, faster, and cheaper than what you paid for existing models.

The life cycle of computers is rapid, planned obsolescence. It’s a good rule of thumb to set a budget to upgrade or replace one third of your computers each year so that nothing more than three years old remains deployed within in your organization.

Why shouldn’t I simply redeploy my equipment internally?

Because it’s not as simple as it sounds.

You may be able to find another spot for older computers in your organization, but do you really want to try and maintain multi-generations of computer equipment that can’t talk to each other? The disruption caused by “trickle down” internal redeployment often exceeds the cost of external replacement with new machines. Plus, for most companies, asset disposal is not a core competency and is better handled by a knowledgeable, experienced provider.

Why not just store my obsolete equipment?

Because it’s expensive — in more ways than one.

Storage may seem to be an effective approach at first, but it can prove to be an expensive tactic long term. Consider square footage costs, labor costs to put the equipment into storage and again, later, to remove it. Consider, too, that some states assess property taxes on IT equipment unless you show documentation of disposal. Plus, you’re responsible for the licensed software loaded into each machine’s hard drive — not to mention propriety data that may be a sitting duck for information scavengers.

What’s wrong with just formatting the computer’s hard drives?

Because formatting does not erase data on the disk and you’re putting your company at risk.

Formatting is not a secure method of sanitizing data. With formatting, the computer’s own operating system may erase bookkeeping information, but a computer specialist can usually recover most, if not all, of the information on the disk. Do you really want an unauthorized computer specialist to recover your proprietary information?

How does TechR2’s overwrite solution make my equipment safe from cannibals?

Because it uses its own operating system to launch the erasure and does a complete irretrievable, irrefutable overwrite.

Otherwise, when your computer’s own operating system launches the erasure, retrieval of the information contained on the drive is still possible. To not fully erase your company’s sensitive material is to put it in jeopardy of exposure to crafty data thieves.

Why bother with disposing of our equipment at all?

Because it’s the law of the land, and to not comply is more than irresponsible, it’s foolish.

Strict environment regulations are enforced for all levels of businesses and across all industries. To not comply is to create a dangerous path of welcome for potential litigation, severe fines, loss of revenue and loss of reputation for your organization – and even yourself.

How does TechR2 help me be “environmentally friendly?”

We take on the task of recycling or remarketing your old computers and computer parts.

This helps keep environmentally sensitive materials out of landfills, reduces the amount of raw materials needed to produce new products, and helps to conserve our natural resources. We help you to be one of the good guys.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″ dp_animation=””][vc_column_text dp_animation=””]

What kind of equipment will you address?

We dispose of any IT equipment made by any manufacturer.

If marketable, we will resell for you through our successful remarket provider. If not, we will dispose of it in compliance with all relevant environmental laws and regulations.

What documentation is provided to ensure me that everything is done correctly?

A multitude of documentation is provided to ensure thorough and legal processes are conducted.

Process documentation which includes what was received, transfer of ownership, disk drive overwrite detail and ultimate disposition. If disposed of, you will also receive certificates of destruction showing compliance with environmental regulations. Some documentation, such as title transfers, and certificates of destruction and overwrite require that the item have a clearly visible serial number. Documentation is provided electronically and on a regular basis.

What about data security and hard drives?

We provide full data sanitation solutions and hard drive cleansing.

Data sanitization is addressed with disk wiping and cleansing service to ensure proper overwrite of your entire disk. Hard-file data is cleansed via a 3x overwrite process so that data is virtually impossible to recover; this option meets Department of Defense 5220-22-m 3-pass standards. If additional overwrite is required (beyond the DoD requirements) we can provide an estimate for that service. Disks that are non-functional are physically destroyed.

What kind of costs are we talking about?

This depends on the amount and type of equipment and your choice of disposal options.

Generally, if your assets retain any value, they are considered remarketable and can generate a revenue stream to offset some of the cost of asset retirement. Product with no value is scrapped in an environmentally safe manner.

Does TechR2’s services meet HIPPA standards?

Of course! Several levels of data overwrite services meet high security standards.

Descriptions of overwrite processes will be made available to allow your company to assess HIPAA compliance

How is my equipment shipped to TechR2?

We offer global services that do this for you.

We can provide transportation management and scheduling to meet your needs at your location(s). Consequently, while there is no minimum quantity or weight requirement, consolidating your assets will reduce your overall cost.

How much volume does TechR2 process annually?

More than 50 million pounds …and growing each year… of IT equipment is processed by TechR2. Zero percent goes into landfills.

What if I have questions?

Please feel free to e-mail us or call us at 1.614.322.2222.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row type=”grid” video_bg=”” row_type=”section” bg_image_repeat=”repeat” padding_top=”24″ padding_bottom=”24″][vc_column dp_animation=””][vc_separator][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row type=”grid” video_bg=””][vc_column width=”1/2″ dp_animation=””][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”posts-footer-block-left”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″ dp_animation=””][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”posts-footer-block-right”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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