Google fined 50M euros ($57.8M) by French data regulator CNIL, for breach of EU’s data protection rules.

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Google fined 50M euros ($57.8M) by French data regulator CNIL, for breach of EU’s data protection rules.

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The regulator said Google had not obtained clear consent to process data because “essential information” was “disseminated across several documents”.

“The relevant information is accessible after several steps only, implying sometimes up to five or six actions,” the regulator said. “Users are not able to fully understand the extent of the processing operations carried out by Google.”

Additionally, the regulator said Google had failed to obtain a valid legal basis to process user data.

Source and for more details: BBC News[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″ dp_animation=””][vc_column_text dp_animation=””]

Surprisingly, many organizations do not have policies and procedures in place to properly audit, track and contain critical data bearing devices as they are removed from the network. The days of maintenance personnel replacing drives or returning failed drives is long gone. And now manufacturers are offering hard drive retention programs because they don’t want to be responsible for your data.

TechR2 has a solution that provides you with physical security and technical security for your data bearing devices from the moment they are removed from your network. Contact us today to learn about our Tear-A-Byte® solution and how we can help you improve your data security while mitigating your risk of a data breach.

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