Data Breaches

Do you know where your hard drives go at night?

An organization’s information is the lifeblood of its business and must be protected at all costs. Rarely does a day go by without a major data breach hitting the headlines – Target, JP Morgan Chase, Equifax, Facebook – the list grows daily. The ramifications of a data breach are devastating, and many times will put a company out of business altogether.

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Studying of the Use of Digitalization

Lately, I was examining a recent graph report about the number of aviation accidents relative to the 1990’s period of digitalization, and they revealed the following: Aviation incidents started to decline and continues to shrink to this day. And you can see on the same graph, that from the 1940s to the 1980s, accidents and incidents were on the rise. One could surmise that digital aviation systems and quality training do pay off.

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Magazine Article: Pioneering data eradication solutions in compliance with stringent regulation mandates: TechR2

As companies deploy New Technologies into their organizations, they are faced with real problems of what to do with their old and outdated IT Assets. Be it data security, safety, confidentiality, compliance or environmental policies, it is no longer acceptable for companies to simply throw away failed or decommissioned data bearing devices or just pass them over to a third party. Companies have to consider protecting data that exists on such devices.

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Industry Differentiators

There are companies that provide segments of TechR2’s services, but we are confident that no other company provides the comprehensive, A-to-Z, full compliance media security / data / information eradication solution that TechR2 provides. TechR2’s patented method serves to address what is otherwise (we believe) a flawed process for media retention throughout our industry.

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