
Introducing the TechR2 ebook, "5 Reasons Why Onsite Data Destruction is Crucial to Protecting Your Brand"

[vc_row type=”grid” video_bg=””][vc_column width=”1/3″ dp_animation=””][vc_column_text dp_animation=””]TechR2, the certified leader of the onsite data destruction industry, has created a concise, easy-to-read ebook detailing the reasons why onsite data destruction can save your brand’s reputation and save your company millions. Written to benefit everyone from small business owners to the CISO’s of billion dollar companies, this ebook […]

TechR2 Stands Out at Celebration of Industry’s Best

July 31, 2014 – COLUMBUS, OH – Business of Security events are held several times a year throughout Central Ohio. Business of Security was founded in 2005 and has run over 120 events in the US. The executive panel format dubbed, “Roll the Dice” was launched in Columbus in 2013 and drew 135 people for both the inaugural event and the one held in July of 2014. Business of Security also conducts “Art of the Craft” networking events at the Actual Brewing Company that draw 85-100 people.

TechR2 Certified as a Woman Business Enterprise

Over 700 public and private sector individuals participated in establishing the Standards and Procedures of this rigid certification review. The goal of the certification program is to streamline the certification process and increase the ability of women business owners to compete for contracts at a national level.

ISO 27001: What Does It Mean & Why is it Important?

ISO 27001: What Does It Mean & Why is it Important? [vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text] We’re proud to announce that TechR2 has received ISO 27001 Certification. We’re very excited about this step forward, but what does it all mean? [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) provides globally recognized management standards to the electronics recycling industry on […]

Outsource your IT without risking your data and device security

Outsource your IT without risking your data and device security [vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]A 2013 Gartner report predicted the global IT outsourcing market to reach $288 billion, with Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Great China markets expanding more than 13 percent. In a recent article, Bryan Britz, Research Vice President at Gartner, said, “Enterprise buyers pursuing hybrid IT […]

TechR2 Achieves ISO 27001 Certification!

TechR2 Achieves ISO 27001 Certification! When your company works with a consultant or vendor for data security, you can’t afford for that vendor to have mediocre management practices. And if you are trusting someone else with your IT security, they had better be top notch. An easy way to objectively measure effectiveness and security is […]

A Year of Achievements at TechR2

  2013 was a very successful year at TechR2. We continue to strive to be an innovator in onsite data destruction, a marketplace that is still in its infancy. Our entire team was involved in the ISO 27001 Information Security Management Systems Certification process and all our hard work paid off. We are the first […]

Recent data breaches once again sparks credit card technology debate

[vc_row type=”grid” video_bg=”” css=”.vc_custom_1644068749869{padding-top: 80px !important;padding-bottom: 40px !important;}”][vc_column width=”1/2″ dp_animation=””][vc_column_text dp_animation=””]Recent data breaches in the US (mainly Target and Neiman Marcus) have once again sparked the age old debate of magnetic strip cards vs. EMV (Europay/Mastercard/Visa) chip cards. Whenever a store completes a transaction the data from that transaction is stored on the organization’s servers. […]

Onsite Data Destruction: How do I get started?

[vc_row type=”grid” video_bg=”” css=”.vc_custom_1644068629826{padding-top: 80px !important;padding-bottom: 40px !important;}”][vc_column width=”1/2″ dp_animation=””][vc_column_text dp_animation=””] Here are 3 Easy Ways to Start Developing an onsite data destruction program. 1. Take an inventory of all devices with business data on them (old and new). It is important you know what type of data your organization has stored, and where information […]